From Dust to Trust: My Transformational 100-Day Mustang Challenge Journey

Each year, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) finds innovative ways to facilitate the adoption of wild mustangs into forever homes. Among these approaches are the 100-day mustang gentling competitions. To participate, whether an experienced trainer or a newcomer to mustangs, individuals must submit an application and gain approval for their gentling pen before journeying to one of the holding pens to select their horse. In June of 2021 I sent in my application for my very first wild mustang challenge!

The horses chosen for these competitions patiently await in government holding pens, having been gathered from wild herd management areas in preceding years and confirmed to be in good health and ready to adopt.

Typically, the organizer of the TIP challenge or horse show handpicks the group of show horses, capturing their essence in photos to show potential competitors. Subsequently, applicants for the challenge, in a first-come, first-served manner, choose the horse they wish to train once their application is approved.

Participants then coordinate with the staff at the holding pen for a scheduled day and time to acquire their wild mustang using a BLM-approved trailer. All competitors collect their wild horses on the same weekend, embarking on a transformative journey of approximately 100 days of training. In the "Day 0" video, you can see what it was like for me picking up for the first time!

That day in July of 2021, I took home a wild horse, whom I named Mojave's Meraki, affectionately known as "Rocky," for the Las Vegas TIP Mustang Challenge. Watch the updates below day by day and enjoy this fun adventure along with me as if you're right there!!


Day 0 (Pick-up Day)

Today is day 0 of my training journey with “Mojave’s Meraki” aka “Rocky”, my 3 year old mustang pick for the Las Vegas Mustang Challenge. He’s from Nevada Wild Horse Range HMA and was rounded up in July 2020.

Since then he’s been in the holding pens waiting for me to pick him up! They’ve gelded him and given him his shots through a chute but that’s all. I’ve trained several mustangs, but never one from day 1, picking it up from the corrals like this!

I was so excited to be the first one there in the morning to pick up. First I drove through to the viewing area where I made sure it was the same horse that I had requested. I saw Rocky and he was looking pretty calm!

Then we drove the trailer around to the loading area, backed it up and the BLM employees put him through a chute to halter him safely and got him into the trailer and the doors closed.

I was a bit nervous about how much the trailer was rocking, but once we got on the road he started to settle down. (We also hauled another mustang for a competitor, so I think it helped that he had a friend.)

He was pretty calm on the 5 hour journey back from Ridgecrest, California to Las Vegas, and even once got so curious he reached out and touched my hand with his nose! I couldn’t help but just stare at him through the trailer slots anytime we would stop.

When we got home he took his time getting out of the trailer, but walked calmly into his stall. One neighbor was SO excited to meet him, the other not so much. He walked back and forth a bit, avoiding coming up close to the front. I’m going to give him the whole day and night to settle in.

I’m so excited to get in the pen with him, but I want to let him relax and take it all in. Baby steps! I board my other two horses at this barn that has 30 stalls, so there are lots of people around all the time!

Rocky will get lots of attention I’m sure! Now that he’s home I’ll be training him for a competition October 1st, 2021 here in Las Vegas! Let the games begin!


Day 1

Today is day 1 with Rocky. Before I go into the pen, I’m going to be safe and make sure I’m wearing my boots and not bringing anything with me except my Parelli carrot stick (without the string.)

I am using my Pivo camera tracking system that an amazing friend gifted to me to track the motion of Rocky as he moves around. When I enter Rocky’s small 20ft. By 20ft. pen, he is pretty nervous with me in there, looking for an escape.

My goal is to walk around the outer edge of the pen and let him move away from me. When he relaxes with me in there, then I will try to reach out with the stick and try to “pet” him.

At the beginning he tried to charge me once (at 5:35)! I tried to keep my energy super low and just walk with a rhythm around so that he could understand I am not trying to kill him.

He paced around while I chatted with the owner of Rocky’s neighbor, and at one point (10:00) he turned around too fast and banged his face on the railing, scraping a tiny bit of skin from his face. Wow what a challenge this will be! I also got a few touches with the stick, (first at 29:10, next at 30:15) which is such great progress for him in just one day!

I came back after a few hours for another short session and he let me rub his nose for a few seconds with the stick and rub up more on his forehead! He’s really starting to trust! Can’t wait for tomorrow!


Day 2

Today before I even started the session, Rocky came right up to the side of the pen for a treat!! I was so excited! We can now start positive reinforcement in our training!

I strapped my fanny pack on and went in the pen to work on circles with direction and speed, and when I relaxed he came up for more treats!!

You can see it only took about a minute being in the pen with treats involved for him to want to be closer to me, versus the 30+ minutes from the day before. You can see around 3:45 how I try to touch the stick to his hind end, and he gets very nervous about that.

At around 5:30 I work to “pet his whole body” from a foot away, just to get him used to the motion. We got some touches with my hand. Around 12:30 you can see he is a little more desensitized to the stick now, so I have to tap it on the ground to get him to move around, and I also start to incorporate the “pointing” with my other hand to show him where I want him to go.

At around 20:30 I show how I start using R+ (the official way) to show him the target, and when he touches it, click and treat! Then he starts to put together his brave actions with treats! In between, I’m still using negative reinforcement by touching the stick to him even if he steps back, and then removing the pressure of the stick once he relaxes a bit.

We even worked on desensitizing to a lead rope (around 30:00)! I brought it into the pen just as if it were a part of me. You can see at first he was a bit nervous about it, but I let him smell it, and let the snap rub on his nose and make noise and he did awesome!

Then I swung the lead rope around like I did with the stick at first to send him different directions, so he can learn that the lead rope, just like the whip, can be used for good, or to move him with energy. I worked on clipping the lead rope under his halter so he would get used to that area having a rope attached. Great progress today!


Day 3

Today I clipped the lead rope on Rocky for the first time! At first he was a bit nervous about the “black snake” following him, but he quickly understood that it’s a tool for me to help him learn.

He was very excited about treats today, and allowed me to touch more of his face and teach him about pressure and release with the lead rope, leading him a few steps! Each day we will add to this, more steps, and more touching when he relaxes!


Day 4

Today I clipped the lead rope on Rocky’s halter and worked on sending out in both directions on the line. I also brought the actual Parelli stick in that has the string attached so he could start to get used to the stick!

He wanted to touch noses with me like horses do when they greet each other.🥰I also started to teach him the difference between sending out on the line and yielding his hindquarters. He’s such a smart boy and so full of personality!

Yielding the hindquarters is the basic start of the porcupine game. With Rocky, he doesn’t need anything but my energy to move so that’s not a bad thing! Eventually he will learn that hands all over him is ok!


Day 5

Today I took his BLM halter off!! I was so excited, and pretty emotional! We mainly worked on the “Friendly Game” with his face and some Driving Game to send him out around me.

We practiced leading and he even led around the middle pole in his pen! He watched some riders go by on the trail and he tried to nip at me once.🙃🤣

Overall, he’s becoming so willing and excited to participate in our sessions! Now that his halter is off, we’re going to focus on positive reinforcement to get him comfortable with the haltering process!


Day 5, Session 2: Positive Reinforcement Halter Training

For the second session of the day I worked with Rocky on positive reinforcement with halter training. Unlike most training, with R+ the horse gets to choose the length of the session, how much stress he can handle, and when to move forward! For the next few seasons we will be working with positive reinforcement exclusively until we can get back to pressure/release when the new halter is on!


Day 6

Rocky accepted his new rope halter today! He was so funny worried about the strap more than it rubbing all over his ears. He has so much trust I can’t wait to earn it! We worked on leading and yielding hindquarters!


Day 6, Session 2 - Review

Here is a review of everything we’ve learned!


Day 7 - Rest Day


Day 8

Today I introduced Rocky to the body brush and mane/tail brush! His haltering is getting quicker now (6 mins the first try, 2 the second!!) and his leading is really coming along! A few more days of practice and I think we can try to walk him to the round pen and back!


Day 9

Day 9 with Rocky!! We made it to the round pen!!!😅🥰This was not my plan today, but after some encouragement from another boarder I opened Rocky’s stall door to see if he would bolt out. When he didn’t I decided to try walking him to round pen!

He walked over just fine but when I went to shut the gate he spooked and bolted a few steps. Then he came back and I tried to reach for the lead too quickly and he spooked and bolted againnnn.

But after that he was really calm and relaxed in there, eating every tiny leaf he could find and following me all around on the line and off! So excited!! We can now do a LOT more work in here and make some major progress!


Day 9, Session 2 - 4th of July Fun

Today was the 4th of July, so I brought Rocky out some carrots and an apple and showed him the flag! Just a quick session but a good one!


Day 10

Today I led Rocky to the round pen again and we worked on directions, speeds and an intro to vocal cues! I explain what my vocal cues are and when I use them, but you can choose anything you want for your horse!


Day 11

Today we worked on moving Rocky’s shoulders over, moving off pressure, and I tried a few jumping jacks with him, which he didn’t like too much. We walked over some black mats outside the pens today on the way back from the round pen and he did great with that!


Day 12

Today we worked on the Friendly Game more and I really was able to touch more parts of his body. I took his halter off for the first time in the round pen and I was a bit nervous he wouldn’t let me halter him again, but eventually we got it! He also let me braid his forelock! He’s starting to trust me being closer to him! That’s great!!


Day 13

Today I brought the tarp into the round pen, and after a few circles he investigated it and wasn’t too nervous! I also brought a saddle pad into the round pen. He was a bit nervous and bolted once but, not too bad! The step was also in the round pen and he was super curious about it.

I stood up on it and he didn’t seem to mind that I suddenly grew a lot taller!🤣Tomorrow I will give him the day off and let everything from these last 2 weeks settle in. He’s doing so great!

At 2 weeks being able to halter, lead and be touched by the stick almost everywhere is awesome progress! I’m so proud of him!


Day 14 - Rest Day


Day 15

Day 15 with Rocky! After yesterday’s day off, Rocky was super willing to trust and let me touch more of him! We worked on some leading basics, flinging the rope all over him, backing with me backing and haltering! He finally let me halter him “like a normal horse” haha I was so proud!! Enjoy!


Day 16

Day 16 with Rocky! I haltered him nicely and tried walking him out to the round pen but nope, he didn’t want to go! So we worked on circles in his pen a lot! After quite a long time we switched to R+ training and he led out within seconds! Then he spooked at me moving my arm a bit too fast, but he didn’t bolt away completely which is great! We got a lot accomplished in round pen! I was able to brush his forelock and entire mane, and he even let me put the saddle pad on!!🥰


Day 17

Today I wanted to build off the brushing of his mane that I did yesterday by braiding it! I got 75% done! (Phew, he has a LOT of hair!) I started with a little round pen warm up, then braided while he stood calmly, then I introduced target training! I like to use this ball holder for dogs to start, and have the horse target the ball, then click and treat! (Like clicker training for dogs!) This will hopefully end up being some really cool tricks at the show!


Day 18

Today I started Sam VanFleet’s liberty course with Rocky! To start this course we worked on basics like moving his shoulders, hindquarters, backing from different places and advanced leading. He was very sticky on one side with moving his shoulder over, so we worked a lot on that! We also worked a lot on leading from the offside! I also desensitized him to the flag! Phew, lots going on!


Day 19

Today Rocky and I walked all around the barn after our session for the first time ever! He was so brave and got to meet Toast & Maverick! Before the walk we worked on all the same things as day 18 and you can see his improvement in just one session!


Day 20

Today I worked with Rocky on hindquarter yields, shoulder yields, backing up, drawing toward me, and sidepassing! It was a big day and he learned a lot! Tomorrow he will get the day off! He deserves it!


Day 21- Rest Day


Day 22

Today we worked for awhile in his pen at desensitizing him to the rope being thrown around near him. It wasn’t working too well in that small space, so we moved to the round pen. I tried flopping the whip around and he bolted, so I spent a few minutes running around with him letting the whip touch him as he ran. When he would relax, then I would stop running with him and relax. He finally learned that ropes and whips aren’t that scary!! I think he will be ready for a tying lesson now very soon!!


Day 23

Today I recorded most of our session but my Pivo app was having an issues and when I deleted and reinstalled it, I lost all the footage. Nooo!!! So anyway, all I have today is this footage of the end when I set my phone up on its own. Just before this we did the same exercises as day 22, and he bolted off so I ran around with him flipping the lunge rope over his back until he finally relaxed and then I stopped. So what you see here is after all of that, the last few minutes when he was finally relaxed! Yay! A few more days of this and I think we can maybe walk in the arena!!


Day 24

Today we worked on lunging, being comfortable with the lunge rope flipping all over his body, sidepassing and then I wrapped the lead rope 3 times around the fence to try to see if he would stand tied! He did! So then I wrapped it a few more times so that I could walk back and forth behind him for him to learn to give to pressure and turn instead of back up and get anxious! He did great! The final minute we worked on standing tied outside the round pen! He did amazing!


Day 25

Today was a bit stormy but Rocky did great! He let me halter him regularly on the first try. He led out of his stall nicely. He didn’t even spook once in the round pen and led at liberty and backed with me at liberty! I braided most of his mane but then the lightning was scaring me because we were in the metal round pen at the top of the hill and I didn’t want it to strike us! Other than having to stop early, it was a great evening!


Day 26

Today Rocky did great in the round pen so I walked him down to the arena and showed him a few obstacles! He walked through the box and over the bridge! I was so excited!!


Day 27

Day 27 with Rocky! Today we worked on leading, backing, sidepassing, shoulder yields and desensitizing his back legs to the rope being down around them, which he didn’t like too much, but only kicked a few times! He’s really starting to think instead of just get anxious and want to bolt away. Many people at the barn are commenting how friendly he seems now, so that makes me happy!


Day 28 - Rest Day


Day 29

After Rocky’s day off yesterday, we worked on everything we know so far today! We tried working on the spin for awhile and desensitizing with ropes. It might look redundant, but it’s important to lay this foundation so that he’s never afraid of my ropes or cues. Little bits of progress each day!


Day 30

Today we worked on the same things we’ve been working on. He finally figured out the spin a little more! I tried “fly spray” (really just water for now) and he did great with that! After we were both hot, I took him down to the hose and we had his first spray down! I think he really enjoyed it! (He only got spooked by a rooster crowing!) Then he rolled afterward! Haha he’s a happy boy!


Day 31

Today my husband brought his horse Toast to the arena and I walked Rocky around while he rode around. Then he tried ponying Rocky and did great! They did a full circle around the arena, and then we worked on our freestyle video maneuvers in the middle while my husband was riding faster around the edge of the arena as a distraction! I’m so excited to see how Rocky’s confidence has grown with “scary things.” Today was a great day!


Day 32

Today I introduced Rocky to the surcingle which I will use to show him how a rider will give him cues from the reins eventually. For now I just want him to be relaxed with it on. We worked on the spin some more and I think he finally connected the dots on it by the end! We’ll see tomorrow! We also worked on leading and I finally got him to trot with me!! Yay!!


Day 33

Today was more of a relaxed day for Rocky. We went over a lot of things that we’ve gone over before and we also received the patterns for the show. I’m excited that we can prepare better knowing exactly what we need to work on. We worked a lot on side passing and trotting in hand. Then he got a 10 minute tie session, and he pulled back a few times when I was looking at his teeth, that are growing in over his baby teeth. Pretty wild looking! Starting to really love this boy as you’ll see by how emotional I get!


Day 34 - Rest Day


Day 35

Today we worked on leading, advanced leading, switching sides at the draw, backing an L, sidepassing an L and more! Phew!


Day 36

Today I worked on desensitizing Rocky’s feet to the rope and pressure of me pulling a bit. We worked on lunging on the lead rope, and we also worked at liberty for the first time! He got a few things at liberty! I’m excited to build off of all of this!


Day 37

Today Rocky had his first turn out in the big arena! I remember when he first came and I said ehhh maybe I’ll never put him out there. He might hop out and run away. Well, completely the opposite! I can’t believe he trotted next to me at liberty! It made my heart so full! He’s a special boy!


Day 38

Today I wanted to start to teach Rocky about sidepassing toward me. I wasn’t quite tall enough so I got the mounting block and first had him sidepass away from me, toward the block. Well, he didn’t really like that option so, decided to stomp on my foot! This caused me to have a bit of a meltdown, but after a few minutes we got it together and continued on! By the end, he did get a step or two towards me! I’m sure in the next few days he will pick this up pretty quick but man, today was emotional!


Day 39

Today Rocky met a “stranger” (my husband) and you can tell, he was a bit nervous about it. But, my husband could halter and lead him, lunge him, and then we worked on picking up his feet! Overall, it was a great day for meeting someone knew and having that much trust transfer!


Day 40

Today we worked on picking up his feet while standing tied, lunging, leading, and some liberty work!! He did so great sidepassing with me at liberty! I hope we can incorporate some of these cool moves in our freestyle for the competition!


Day 41

Today after our short session with the white lead rope (which is suddenly was terrified of) I let him meet my mustang Maverick and have some time in the arena with Maverick and Toast! We also worked on a few obstacles before heading back to his stall. And I measured him, right at 15hh!


Day 42

Today Rocky and I worked on a LOT! From targeting a box, to sidepassing toward me, liberty work, picking up his front hooves and more! We made some great progress today!!


Day 43

Today I let Rocky hang out in the arena with Toast & Maverick for a bit, then we walked Rocky around to many different obstacles at the barn, and at the end, off the property out on the hillside! He got to eat a little stick bush and enjoy his wild self a little!


Day 44

Today was a rest day for the most part for Rocky, but I did go into the arena with him at liberty and work on walking over the bridge and a few other obstacles.


Day 45

Today was a rest day for the most part for Rocky, but I did go into the arena with him at liberty and work on walking over the bridge and a few other obstacles.


Day 46

Day 46 with Rocky!!🎉🐴Today I put my English saddle on him and he didn’t care at all!! This boy is so incredibly smart!! ANDDD he finally figured out the spin without having to run all over like a crazy horse!!!🎉Major win for him hahaha loving this guy!!


Day 47

Today I introduced Rocky to long lining! I used to lines to hopefully eventually lead him around and stop him with the pressure as reins would be if he had a rider on him! By the end he finally started to get it!! He’s still a bit nervous about ropes around his legs and butt, but I think this helped a lot with that!


Day 48 - Rest Day


Day 49

Today we focused on the showmanship pattern which started with walking from cone A to B and then trotting from cone B to C and stopping. After stopping you’re supposed to back up six steps and then trot to cone D. Stop at cone D and pivot 360 degrees to the right. There is more after that, but we focused on this section for now. I was teaching my husband the pattern, and then working on it myself, back and forth. Rocky learned a lot between the two of us!


Days 51 & 52 - Rest Day


Day 52

Today was a short day in the heat. We worked on him being ok with the rope around his back legs and belly. He took off with the rope still tied, so the beginning is just after he did that and decided to run around all crazy! Then we worked on the handling class pattern for the show a bit, and then I rinsed him off and fed him grain!


Day 53 (Arena Show Pattern Practice)

Today we practiced the show pattern for one of the classes in the big arena! We also worked on some obstacles and standing at the mounting block. He’s STILL not too excited about the spin move and took off to the other side of the arena, but everything else he handled really well! I’m glad there are no spins in this show!! Haha


Day 54 (Liberty Work)

Today we worked in the arena on some leading and liberty work, then on sidepassing to the mounting block and standing still! He didn’t like when I put my arm up at the end of the 10 seconds, so we practiced that a few times!


Day 55 (Hike & Photoshoot)

Today we hiked out on the hill and met a photographer to take some cute pictures in his new custom made moon halter! He did great off property even when someone rode by on their horse and the garbage truck came driving by! He’s getting so calm and relaxed these days!!


Day 56 - Rest Day


Day 57 (Picking Up All 4 Feet)

Yay!! Today my husband picked up all 4 of Rocky’s feet! We also worked with the tarp for awhile and overall, after some initial nervousness he did great with it!! Brave boy!!


Day 58 (Sending Over Jump)

Today I brushed and saddled Rocky, then went to the arena to practice leading on the offside, some lunging and sending over a jump. We have a little ways to go with the jump, but for now it’s as good as it’s getting.


Day 59 - Rest Day


Day 60

Today my husband picked up and cleaned out all 4 of Rocky’s hooves!! Yay! Then we worked with him on his pivots and standing still at the mounting block! He’s coming along! I can’t believe it’s been 2 months now!


Day 61 (Sidepass Towards the Mounting Block)

Day 61 with Rocky! Today I worked with Rocky on quite a few things! He finally understood sidepassing to the mounting block so I was super excited about that! We also worked on his shake trick which he’s getting very enthusiastic about trying! Haha then we played with the tarp for awhile! What a good boy!


Day 62 (Working with Feet and Long Lines)

Rocky did better today picking up all four feet and letting us clean them out! We also worked with the long lines again, and by the end although I didn’t get to film it, he caught on really well and was stopping without turning in which is great!! Can’t wait to build on this!


Day 63 - Rest Day


Day 64

Rocky did great today! We did a lot of work on sidepass towards from the mounting block, leading, stopping, backing and even stepping up on some rocks at the end!


Day 65

Rocky got to relax and play with Maverick in the arena today! We worked on some showmanship at the end. He’s really coming along great!


Day 66 (Butt Rope)

Today I worked with Rocky on his fear of butt ropes, a lot! And we worked on some showmanship and side passing to the mounting block!


Day 67

Today we just worked on the same stuff. We also worked on targeting the block, which turned into smashing the block because Rocky just loves to smash things. Hahaha I might use this to my advantage at the show!


Day 68 (Farrier Visit)

Today Rocky met the farrier and got his front feet trimmed! He was such a good boy!


Day 68, Session 2: Walking on the Hill

Today we went for a nice walk!


Day 69  Long Line Training

Today Rocky and I worked on long line training again and he finally understood the concept!! I was so excited!! After the workout I had to go get Toast so I tried walking them up together which Rocky wasn’t the biggest fan of! What a personality he has!


Day 70 (Working in a Western Saddle)

Today we worked in a western saddle lunging, and walking/trotting next to me and we even got a few lope strides! We worked on walking over the bridge and the box and overall connecting.


Day 71 (Step on Objects)

Today we worked with Rocky on stepping onto a piece of plywood, up onto a rock, into a box, and worked trying to get him to go over a barrel.


Day 72 (Trying Watermelon)

Today we didn’t get to do any work, but I did bring him watermelon to try! I’d say he liked it! Haha what a silly boy!


Day 73 (Trailer Loading & Jumping the Barrel)

Today was an exciting day! Rocky hopped right in the trailer, and jumped over the barrel!!


Day 74 (Freestyle Practice in Costume)

Today I wore my Minecraft costume to work with Rocky to see how he will do during our freestyle class in the show! Haha he did pretty great overall!


Day 75 - Rest Day


Day 76 (Tarp Curtain)

Today we worked with Rocky on the tarp, which at the show will be hung up like a curtain to walk through. This might be Rocky’s toughest challenge for the whole show!


Day 77 - Rest Day


Day 78 (Showmanship Pattern Practice)

Today we practiced our showmanship pattern quite a bit! Refining a few things and deciding on which way I want to sidepass and other small decisions.


Day 79 (Arena Showmanship & Tarp Work)

Today we worked on the showmanship pattern in the arena and then worked on the tarp curtain again. He’s getting a tiny bit more comfortable with it.


Day 80 (Show Dress Rehearsal)

Today we ran through all three of the show classes in our outfits with the show halters to see how we do! I think overall he did great! After he refused the curtain in the class I went up with treats and he walked right through of course. Haha let's just hope for the best!


Day 81 - Rest Day


Day 82 (Ground Driving with Saddle)

Today we worked on ground driving with Rocky’s saddle on. He will be used to directions and stopping from rein pressure when starting to ride it’ll be much easier for him to learn! We also worked on going through the tarp curtain which we finally succeeded three times! Yay!


Day 83 (Parelli’s 7 Games)

Today we practiced Parelli’s 7 games and I braided his mane! He’s such a good boy! Now he gets a week off until the competition! Much deserved!


Days 84-88 - Rest Days


Day 89 (Playtime in the Arena)

Today I let Rocky & Maverick out to play in the arena! I’ve been out of town for a few days so he’s had a bit of a break but even jumped over the little jump I made with me today! I can’t wait for the show!! One more week!


Day 90 (Trailer Loading)

I wanted to take Rocky to a local show, but I rented a 2-horse trailer that he was not super familiar with and he was just a bit too nervous to get all the way in. That’s ok! We made some big progress!


Days 91 & 92 - Rest Days


Day 93 (Bath & Trailer to Show)

Today I gave Rocky his first bath with shampoo and then we trailered to the show! Tomorrow is practice and Friday is the show! I’m so excited!


Day 94 (Show Practice)

Today is practice day at the show and we spent some time working on the tarp, half barrel jump and bridge 360 degree turn. Overall I’d say he’s about as ready as he can get for tomorrow!!


Day 95 (Show Day)

Rocky did SO great at the Las Vegas Mustang Challenge! We ended up placing 7th in the rookie division and 13th overall out of 26 amazingly talented trainers from all over the western side of the country! What a great experience!!!


Day 96 - Rest Day


Day 97 (Preparing for His New Home)

After the show Rocky headed to a friend’s house here in town to relax and decompress for a week before going on his big journey to his new home!! He will always have a special place in my heart! I went back to clean up at the show and cried like a baby.

Rocky and I placed 13th overall out of 26 amazing trainers! We placed 7th in the rookie division! I am SO proud of him for being so brave and so proud of myself for completing this!! I hope you enjoyed this journey and it inspires you to adopt a mustang or compete in a mustang challenge! Make sure to reach out when you're ready! I am here for you!


50% Complete

Two Step

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