Embracing the 2024 Mustang Challenge: A Journey from Wild to Riding

I'm bubbling with excitement as I prepare to enter the 2024 Mustang Challenge in the vibrant city of Las Vegas. The prospect of showcasing my connection with a wild mustang fills me with a mix of nerves and thrill. This journey has been nothing short of incredible so far, and I can't wait to share the highlights. Check out this video on YouTube of our first 60 days together!


Before this challenge began, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to compete. I was looking for a sponsor to cover some of the horse costs, when my riding lesson student decided to jump on the opportunity! With this partnership she would adopt the horse from me and care for it, while I trained it and entered the competition! I couldn’t believe it was really happening, and even better that for this competition, competitors were able to choose their own mustang from the holding pens!  

Choosing the right Mustang was a pivotal moment, and I believe Lisa & I've found a gem. My chosen wild Mustang “Gershwin” exhibits a perfect balance of spirit and sensibility that I believe will set us apart in the competition. There's an unspoken understanding between us, a connection that goes beyond bridles and saddles. It's this unique bond that makes me confident in our ability to conquer the challenges that lie ahead when it comes to competing. 

Building a partnership with a wild Mustang is no small feat. I've invested hours and hours of time and effort so far into teaching Gershwin tricks, engaging in liberty work, and, most importantly, clocking in seven rides. Our latest adventure took us on a trail around bikes, dogs, and a busy crowd at Tule Springs here in North Las Vegas. I was so proud that day of the versatility and adaptability that my wild companion was showing me.

Yet, as the competition looms, there's a knot of nervousness in my stomach. The “ranch work” segment, in particular, has me on edge. There are 3 major riding classes, trail (which I’m hoping we’ll do best at), ranch work, and reining. I've never been a "real cowboy," working on a ranch, and I sense that many of my competitors may have an edge in this area. The thought of handling ranch tasks and maneuvers that I've only seen in movies adds an extra layer of excitement and trepidation to the mix.

It's not just the skills, but the spirit of the cowboy lifestyle that I feel I need to embody. Dusty trails, lassos, and riding around cattle are realms I'm eager to explore, even if it's a far cry from my usual routine. The challenge lies not just in mastering these tasks but in doing so with the raw, unbridled essence of a true cowboy. (Or cowgirl I should say..)

This event in July of 2024 marks my first foray into a wild-to-riding Mustang competition, a leap into the unknown that I'm approaching with a thrilling mix of nerves and excitement. Before this I have only ever done competitions where you pick up a wild horse and train it in-hand to showcase skills, do tricks & work through obstacles. The very essence of this challenge lies in bridging the gap between the untamed spirit of a wild Mustang and the refined connection of a ridden one. 

As the countdown to the competition continues, the adrenaline surges with every thought of the upcoming adventure. The realization that this journey is not just about the competition but about pushing boundaries and embracing the unknown is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. 

The 2024 Mustang Challenge is not just a competition for me; it's a transformative journey from the wild to riding. With an extraordinary mustang by my side, I'm ready to face the challenges, learn the ways of the ranch horsewoman, and immerse myself in an experience that promises growth, excitement, and a profound connection with my four-legged partner. This is more than a competition – it's a celebration of the extraordinary bond between human and Mustang, and I can't wait to see where this wild ride takes us.


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